Introducing #Capsule2020

2020. What a time to be alive.
After several months of living an unprecedented reality with the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping the globe, we’re being ushered into a new era: one that demands change.
The murder of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer has sparked outrage, and since, the world has erupted in protests that are united in the largest civil rights movement in history. The pace of change seems ever quickened lately, and it’s hard to believe that even one month ago, the term “Black Lives Matter” was controversial. Today, it’s an unequivocal reminder that justice and equality can’t come soon enough.
The following words have been circulating on Instagram for the last week, which brings a new perspective to our time:
“What if 2020 isn’t cancelled?
What if 2020 is the year we’ve been waiting for?
A year so uncomfortable, so painful, so scary, so raw — that it finally forces us to grow.
A year that screams so loud, finally awakening us from our ignorant slumber.
A year we finally accept the need for change.
Declare change. Work for change. Become the change. A year we finally band together, instead of pushing each other further apart.
2020 isn’t cancelled, but rather, the most important year of them all.”
How the last few months fundamentally change us as a society will reveal itself slowly, but one thing’s for sure: this year is momentous. So, inspired by the time capsule that birthed Capsule 98, we’ve banded together with inspiring artists and creatives around the globe to commemorate the strangeness that is life under lockdown and beyond with #Capsule2020.
In this 2020 time capsule, you’ll find photo, art or video contributions, ranging from artistic to slice of life, that document something about life during this time. Look out for “Holography,” a special photo series woven through this post that was spearheaded by rising Atlanta photographers, Shamshawan Scott and Salim Garcia, who sent rolls of film to friends in Tokyo, Zurich, Taipei and beyond, who in turn expressed documented their lives in a range of expressions. Elsewhere, you’ll find photos from Black Lives Matter protests across America.
#Capsule2020 is an ongoing project. If you are interested in getting involved, email thecapsule98@gmail.com with your submission alongside the below a 100-200 word description.

Shamshawan Scott
Atlanta, Georgia (@shamshawan)
April 2, 2020
“Holography”* is the name of the project that me and a friend (Salim Garcia) put together to allow voices and perspectives to be viewed and heard from different parts of the world in this current time. We asked our peers from around the world to transmit their message and their feelings during these times of uncertainty through photo series and pieces.
*photos submitted as part of “Holography” are labelled.
What have you learned about yourself in lockdown?
During this lockdown I learned how to produce my own music without a computer and also learned how to program/make my own synth sounds.
What have you rediscovered in lockdown?
I’ve rediscovered an anime called Dragon Ball. Watching the whole series again made me want to work out everyday and test my mental strength.
What song defines your quarantine and why?
The song that defines my quarantine is called “Illusion Sur Mauna Loa” by Varnish La Piscine. It’s entirely in French but it’s basically about not wanting to leave your island of bliss even though you are aware of how quickly things can change if you did.
What’s been your favourite meal in quarantine? Did you make it?
My favourite meal during this whole thing HAS to be black bean quesadillas and I make them whenever there’s a hot stove on standby.
What’s the first thing you’re going to do out of lockdown?
The first thing I’m doing once this is over is having more studio sessions with people and make more music in different spaces.
Jaime McCuaig, Mono, Ontario
May 17, 2020
Springtime here. Thank goodness. Flowers from the yard. Chicks from the living room. Wasp, a regular. Music by Aunt Ali on the Wurlitzer. Frogs recorded by Dums.
What have you learned about yourself in lockdown?
That maybe I am kind of sort of an introvert… I have really enjoyed hangin’ out with myself.
What have you rediscovered in lockdown?
My absolutely dumbfounding love and obsession with nature.
The Sopranos theme song. It’s my first time around. Mafia dreams to balance out my wholesome days.
What has been your favourite meal in quarantine? Did you make it?
Wild leek pesto. Ethically foraged from the woods and stuffed into my pockets.
What’s the first thing you’re going to do out of lockdown?
Kiss everyone on the mouth.

Alondra Buccio, Los Angeles, California
May 29-31, 2020
These are photos I took while protesting, I wanted to show the world that we can also have peaceful protests.
Why did you show up to protest?
I went to fight against police brutality and Black Lives Matter. I believe every human deserves equal rights.
Was there one moment that really moved you?
The May 31st protest moved me a lot. There was a man crying in front of the cops because they had killed one of his family members. We had to hug him to calm him down.
What is something great you’ve discovered during protest?
People were caring towards each other, there were a lot of medics offering help, people handing out water, snacks, etc.

Pin Chun Kuo, Taipei City, Taiwan
May, 2020
“Hello my dear friends, how are you doing?”
We don’t need to quarantine in Taiwan, Taiwan has done well to contain the outbreak, but I do stay home longer than usual for avoid crowds during these times.

What have you learned about yourself in lockdown?
Slow down.
What have you rediscovered in lockdown?
I have been rewatching Hayao Miyazaki movies.
What new thing have you discovered in lockdown that’s given you joy?
I started beading accessories with friends.
What’s been your favourite meal in quarantine? Did you make it?
Pasta, yes I made it by myself.
What’s the first thing you’re going to do out of lockdown?
I want to travel with my friends.

Salim Garcia, Atlanta
May, 2020
These pieces are meant to be an embodiment of the energy that has arisen during quarantine. This is my response.

What have you learned about yourself in lockdown?
I’ve learned that it’s okay to not be creative and to take time for my mental health. From this change in my personality I started to express my creativity from a more raw and personal perspective.
If you had to describe your lockdown life in 5 words, what would they be?
Insightful, Enlightening, Self-Sufficiency, Creative, Inspiring.
What new thing have you discovered in lockdown that’s given you joy?
I’ve come to find out that I really like to cook! While in quarantine, you can catch me in the kitchen, whipping up some meals that I’d never thought I would try.
What’s been your favourite meal in quarantine? Did you make it?
During quarantine, I’ve come to really love ramen. I’ve always had a love for it but quarantine has definitely forced me to become more experimental with it, haha.
What’s the first thing you’re going to do out of lockdown?
I’m definitely going to enjoy the outdoors more so catch me kayaking or camping out with friends.

Lauren Tamaki, Brooklyn
May, 2020
I’m gonna go sappy for a second: my joyful discovery was realizing how much more I could love my partner. Here is a page from my sketchbook showing him on one of our clandestine roof visits. I wasn’t worried that being bunker buddies would ruin our relationship, but I thought I would get sick of him every once in a while. This doesn’t seem to be the case. In fact, a couple weeks in I proposed to his stupid ass.
What have you rediscovered in lockdown?
Edibles and exercising?! I generally don’t exercise when I’m busy with work but I’m extra scared of dying (go figure) so I do at least 30-40 minutes of cardio and weights every other day.
What new thing have you discovered in lockdown that’s given you joy?
Scallion farms. Mine is bigger than yours. Trust.
What has been your favourite meal in quarantine? Did you make it?
One-Pot Chicken and Rice with Peanut Sauce. I made it! After my sister’s boyfriend posted pics of his I demanded to know the recipe. We’ve been pickling a lot of stuff so we had some lovely cucumbers and beets to add as well.
What’s the first thing you’re going to do out of lockdown?
A run in Prospect Park and a visit to The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Audrey Gretz, Tokyo
May, 2020
The photos I have taken during this time are probably 70% of my partner, whom I live with. There has been a lot of cigarettes, baths, online work, days spent in bed, laundry, and generally going insane. I think these shots are really just the fruition of being close to a loved one and finding yourself trapped in a studio apartment with them for two months. Yeah.
Halfway or so through quarantine I had another idea to photograph friends through their windows, after hearing that a friend of mine lives 10 minutes away on foot. The images from my walk that day came out pretty magical, and I was so excited to have some new surroundings to feel and explore through a lens and just in general. The yellow caution tape that I discovered covering everything in public playgrounds was another thing that caught me off guard. Not having been outside properly in a while, finding that the world around me was blanketed in caution tape, plastic dividers, surgical masks, and gloves felt strange in comparison to the crowds I had seen down by the river a few days (or was it weeks?) earlier. Those playground photos are probably some of my favourite from this time. It was slightly unreal and not likely a sight I will see again in my lifetime, the word ‘CAUTION’ wrapped around jungle gyms in Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and English.

What have you rediscovered in lockdown?
One super exciting thing I have rediscovered is my very first zine, a project I am doing with my best friend/other half who lives across the globe in NYC. After being confined to our homes and unable to work, we decided NOW was the time to finally put our thoughts into something tangible. We’ve been doing regular video chats and assigning ourselves “deadlines” for some extra (and very much needed) motivation. Although, some days the energy just doesn’t come and we can’t seem to get our heads out of the strange fog that I think everyone has felt recently. On days like this, a nice, long FaceTime and minimal creative progress is a necessary balance. Finding a way to push ourselves when possible and allow ourselves to rest when needed was a really nice thing to have. If you can manage to record anything – whether it be an iPhone pic or a phone note or some voice memos of the sounds on your walk – I recommend keeping it for the days when that creativity just won’t come.
If you had to describe your lockdown life in 5 words, what would they be?
Frustration, mood swings, daydreams, distractions, and lots of thankfulness (for loved ones, for the privilege that allows me to use this time for reflection from a safe home).
What song defines your quarantine and why?
Hmm, well I am paralyzingly indecisive, so one song is a real tough choice. I guess I would have to go with “Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!” by ABBA simply because of all the nights I have danced around my pitch black apartment with headphones on screaming “Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight.” This is the inevitable and embarrassing result that I sometimes get when trapped at home alone after eating ice cream and pretzels for dinner (again). Let’s just say it is a not-so-uncommon occurrence. That song is really a prime number to bounce around too though, and a great anthem for all the people stuck home wishing they were out on an adventure somewhere.
What’s been your favourite meal in quarantine? Did you make it?
My favourite quarantine meal is undoubtedly frozen grapes, lots of brie, a toasty baguette, and a bottle of wine.
What’s the first thing you’re going to do out of lockdown?
When the world’s balance is restored, I’m gonna run over to the rent-a-car place, drive to the beach, and spend a weekend feeling nothing but salt and sun on my skin again. I think about that moment almost every day.

Maxime Stein, Toronto
“Quarantini Self Portrait,” in my favourite spot: the living room floor.
May 15, 2020
What have you rediscovered in lockdown?
Dancing! I danced my whole life but quit when I went to university, so it’s really feeling good to bounce, pliée, and sashay my way around 1000 square feet.
Describe your lockdown life in 5 words,
Stretching, drawing, watching, waiting, walking
What song defines your quarantine and why?
Maribou State’s “Steal” ft. Holly Walker is the first song up on my morning playlist to get me moving and grooving.
What has been your favourite meal in quarantine? Did you make it?
I have a dangerous sweet tooth, my boyfriend’s aunt made us a cherry cheesecake strudel with a side of strawberry tarts. They were glorious and they never stood a chance.
What’s the first thing you’re going to do out of lockdown?
Literally anything with my best girlfriends.

Hao Nguyen, Mississauga, Ontario
May, 2020
I took a self-portrait with my mom’s first doll when she was a refugee in Okinawa, Japan (around 1978) a bit after the Vietnam War. Coming from a family who purges nearly everything, I felt the need to document one of the only things remaining that belongs to her.
What have you learned about yourself in lockdown?
I’m not as much of an introvert as I thought, even though I’d tell everyone how I hate going out.
What have you rediscovered in lockdown?
I looked back at family photos/treasures through the years to remember resilience.
If you had to describe your lockdown life in 5 words, what would they be?
Download. Tender. Unlearn. Vigilance. Function.
What new thing have you discovered in lockdown that’s given you joy?
I’ve always wanted to get into music in some form, so I picked up a DJ controller on my birthday. No regrets.
What song defines your quarantine and why?
“Dolerme” by Rosalía on repeat. Honestly, I’m still processing heartbreak from the previous year.

Amy Verner, Paris
April, 2020
I made this small painting towards the fifth week of confinement in Paris. I had one canvas and some half-used acrylics from a few years ago — a short-lived attempt to resume an old hobby. This time, I told myself that I should create one artistic expression to mark the moment, even if unsuccessful. On one of my morning walks, the sun began rising amidst this unsettled sky, and I was struck by such supernatural force. The gold seemed like a decadent and contemporary place to store the emotion.
What have you learned about yourself in lockdown?
I am even more of a recluse than I thought.
What have you rediscovered in lockdown?
Connecting with loved ones by telephone.
If you had to describe your lockdown life in 5 words, what would they be?
Unexpectedly liberating and unusually enjoyable
What new thing have you discovered in lockdown that’s given you joy?
Larry David, Season 10 (I’m late to Curb Your Enthusiasm).
What song defines your quarantine and why?
Bill Withers’ “Make a Smile for Me” to honour his life and talent with one of his lesser-known gems. And it just so happens to convey solitude with both melancholy and hope.
What has been your favourite meal in quarantine? Did you make it?
The organic apple pies and banana bread that my New York friend Kristen had delivered from Circus Bakery for my birthday.

June Fischer, Zurich, Switzerland
May, 2020
From Karaoke nights, to drunk patio dances, to cuddles and deep talks.
What have you learned about yourself in lockdown?
That I really enjoy spending time with myself and that I’m feeling more grounded and calm without the pressure of happenings – no fomo anymore!!
What have you rediscovered in lockdown?
To cut hair, knitting, reality shows and Howl’s Moving Castle.
If you had to describe your lockdown life in 5 words, what would they be?
Karaoke, Jogging, Food, Alcohol, FaceTime.

What new thing have you learned in lockdown that’s given you joy?
Depop and how to make sugaring paste.
What song defines your quarantine and why?
Dilemme – Lous and the Yakuza, it just fit perfectly to my mood during this time (melodically and textually).
What’s been your favourite meal in quarantine? Did you make it?
Different variations of banana bread (as everyone lol) – yes!
What’s the first thing you’re going to do out of lockdown?
I’ll go to Ah-Hua and eat Pla Samloth (Nr. 16).
Porus Vimadalal & Prayag Menon, Toronto, Ontario
@porus.vimadalal @prayag.menon
May 23, 2020
What have you learned about yourself in lockdown?
Our ability to be patient with each other, enjoy each other’s company and to take things one day at a time.
What have you rediscovered in lockdown?
Porus: I have rediscovered my love for sketching.
Prayag: I have gotten back to reading!
If you had to describe your lockdown life in 5 words, what would they be?
Patience, Groceries, Cake, Cleaning, Gratitude.
What new thing have you discovered in lockdown that’s given you joy?
Figuring how to be creative during the lockdown prompted us to ideate and start working on a personal project; where Porus and I photograph/style still life images with various things we find around the house. We also exercise daily and enjoy following 80s aerobics routines on YouTube, amongst other things.
What song defines your quarantine and why?
A lot of 80s music has been the highlight of our dance workouts at home. One such song would have to be Dancing With Myself by Generation X.
What’s been your favourite meal in quarantine? Did you make it?
Porus loves to cook and one of our favourite meals in quarantine has to be homemade burgers on Saturdays.
What’s the first thing you’re going to do out of lockdown?
Meet our friends!
Alondra Buccio, Los Angeles, California
May, 2020
What have you learned about yourself in lockdown?
That being inside isn’t as fun as I thought it was. I would never go out before this so I kind of regret cancelling on a lot of plans and parties. I’m not really social so being at home was always my thing but I do miss the outdoors.
What have you rediscovered in lockdown?
Talking to old friends and communicating more. I wouldn’t really text people back before so now I have no excuse in why I shouldn’t be texting back.
If you had to describe your lockdown life in 5 words, what would they be?
What new thing have you discovered in lockdown that’s given you joy?
Drawing has been giving me joy, I’m trying out new styles.
What’s the first thing you’re going to do out of lockdown?
The first thing I’m going to do is travel. I’ve been saving money to travel for years and now that I got the chance this lockdown happened.
#Capsule2020 is an ongoing project. If you are interested in getting involved, email thecapsule98@gmail.com with your submission alongside the below a 100-200 word description.